Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Busy Month upcoming

August 31st.  Breakfast run to Woodlake Runway Cafe this Saturday August 31st. Those wanting to caravan, meet at Linda Vista & Hwy 65, for an 8AM departure. Others will join the group in Lindsay, at the OLD Waffle House parking lot.

August 31st  LUCIO Car Show at Sturgeon & Beck in Tulare. Evening show, starts at 4pm. Registration prior.

September 14th Small Town Cruisers Summer Send off show at Milan Institute on Mooney Blvd. Those wanting to caravan meet at Linda Vista & Hwy 65, for a 7am departure. Others will join the group in Lindsay, at the OLD Waffle House parking lot. Those that arrive together, can park together.

September 21st  SPDES Show Tipton. Those wanting to caravan, meet at the Super Burger Parking lot for a 7:30AM departure
                         River Island Show. Starts at 4pm. See attached entry form.
September 28th Calvary Chapel Visalia Show, Meet at Linda Vista & Hwy 65 for a 7AM departure.
October 5th Club Pot luck at Bartlett Park arbor 16. Bring a dish to share, comfy chair, place settings and drinks. The club will provide the meat. Plan on eating about noon.

October 12th Exeter Fall Festival Parade and Car Show.